Your Local Ames Cat Library
Finding The Right Fit For Your Feline
We believe in the value of feline enrichment, we also realize cat items can cost greatly. In order to help both our cat and human friends out Sweet Whiskers Team runs a small library of items that can be checked out for up to one week at a time.
Please note: without our facility, as we had before, most items are either checked out or packed away. We have temporarily disabled the rental check out system and instead ask that you message us directly for a check out.
2 Membership Tiers
$5 month membership:
Member may select up to two items per month for check out. Each item is due in one week and may be renewed for one additional week per item.
$10 month membership:
Member may select up to four items per month for check out. Each item is due in one week and may be renewed for one additional week per item.
Library Items
This is a limited snap shot of what's available. We are currently rebuilding our library as we open back up and acquire items once again.